I started a yoga practice in 2008 while living a fast paced London life that was mostly frustrating, overwhelming and uninspiring! Yoga gave me a rare chance to slow down, become introspective and connect to my body in a way I had never experienced before.
Over time the practice taught me how to have easier and steadier access to presence, awareness, intuition and self-connection. It sparked an inner shift that made me happier, more peaceful, and more in touch with the love and wisdom I have at my core.
With a dream to share this transformational practice and make positive contributions into the lives of others, I embarked on my first teacher training in 2010 with Absolute Yoga in Thailand. Since then, it has been a journey of continous learning leading me around the world. I have accumulated over 800 hrs of highly regarded trainings and explored numerous lineages that have expanded my understanding of the incredible power of a holistic health and yoga methodology. I feel deeply grateful for all the inspirational teachers I have met across the globe, in particular my main teachers Julie Martin and Emil Wendall of Brahmani Yoga
Yogic philosophy really took root in my practise after an extensive 6 month trip to India in 2013. There I was steeped in the wisdom of enlightened masters, awakened beings and spiritual leaders at ashrams and yogic communities across the South of the country. My understanding of their teachings always leads me back to simple truths – we are all connected - if we can be truly happy, kind, and good to ourselves, it will flow to others! It’s a journey that can start with practices for our own health: asana, meditation, nutrition, and self-reflection. Given Yogas fundamental premise - that all of us, at our core, are made of the same powerful, loving intelligence that gives rise to all life, and that this intelligence is fluid and infinitely creative - I believe it is possible to heal and transform ourselves to go beyond our current ego-centric state of being . This is how the practice can change our present understanding and experience of the world. Motivated by this philosophy, and inspired by the transformative power I have experienced first hand, I hope to spark and nurture change that leads to kinder, more compassionate, awake and connected humans stepping off the mat!